One half of the duo that brought you the wildly popular Envy-lope effect, Brandon David is a creative tour-de-force. In his lecture, Brandon brings over 4 hours of killer visual eye-candy that you'll be thrilled to perform. These are unique signature pieces that Brandon has kept for himself until we finally convinced him to release them just for this lecture. Come join us as we welcome Brandon David for his first online lecture ever. Here's what you'll learn:
2 Card Transpo: Two signed cards impossibly change places in the spectator's hands. This is an easy-to-make utility gimmick that will allow you to switch playing cards, bills, business cards, billets, etc., and you can even use it as a peek!
Signed Card to Pocket: A freely selected and signed card is cleanly sandwiched between two business cards. Visually the signed card vanishes and instantly reappears in your back pocket. There's no palming, it's super easy to do and it resets automatically.
Signed Corner Restore: Pure Eye Candy! The corner of a playing card is signed by your spectator. You slowly tear off the signed corner and show the two pieces separate from each other. You then proceed to visually fuse them back together and immediately hand it out as a souvenir.
Oops, I Ripped It Again: Accidental magic at its best! Image you go up to perform your usual card routine and upon taking the deck out of your pocket, you realize the card case was "accidentally" ripped. You then proceed to fully restore the case and it can instantly be handed out for examination. This just might be your new go-to opener.
Zig-Zag Card: A freely selected, signed card on both sides is visually cut into three pieces like the classic stage illusion, "Sawing-A-Lady-In-Half." This ultra-visual piece of magic allows the selected card and their signature to ALWAYS be seen and NEVER go out of view.
Ring on Chain: You borrow a ring and hand your necklace to your spectator. You proceed to visually link and unlink their ring on the chain even though they're holding on to both ends. Everything begins and ends fully examinable.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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