Marcus Eddie: Marcus Eddie will fool you. Simple as that. If visual close-up magic is your thing, you definitely want to check out this lecture. Filled with jaw dropping effects that utilize MORE than just playing cards, Marcus will take you on a journey into his super funky-jazzy-style of magic. He adds a unique touch into his magic that is both visually appealing, and precisely fine-tuned and well crafted. Oh, did I mention that this is a close up lecture that DOESN'T focus on cards? Check out what Marcus will cover:
Fresh: Instantly refill an empty breath strip container.
Something Borrowed: Link and unlink a borrowed ring or key on a key tag.
Paper Cut: Two borrowed bills melt through each other. No gimmicks!
Focus: Magically repair Eye glass/shades.
Color Band: Visually change the color of a rubber band.
Separation: A shuffled deck magically separates itself, the blacks from the reds.
Reconnect: Any card is clearly seen and heard to be ripped, then restored with just a touch.
Post Predict: Predict choices with this utility system, featured in a new 'Mental Epic' style routine with different color sticky note pads.
Jumbo Spellbound: Marcus shows you his inner workings on jumbo coin magic.
Marcus shares with you his creative process, perception and defining what magic means to YOU. Learn about the man himself, as Marcus takes you on a journey on his growth in magic. He will share with you his ups and downs of taking risks, and will share with you the rewards of staying true to your dream.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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