At the Table: Patrick Kun
Patrick Kun is one of the most talented close up sleight of hand magicians you will ever see! His dynamic style of performing is breathtaking, as he makes even the most difficult of sleights look seemingly easy! From his own person brand of magic, to his consulting days with David Copperfield and Cyril, this is definitely an EXCLUSIVE lecture that you will not want to miss! This session of "At the Table" will focus on how Patrick creates impromptu magic with visual gimmicked effects in mind. Host Mike Hankins will speak in depth with Patrick about his creative process and how he comes up with new and fresh ideas. They will also speak about Patrick's days of consulting with some of the top pros in the business today. Patrick will perform and explain some of his signature pieces as well as brand new effects never seen before. There will be a Q&A session, where Patrick will answer some of your questions! So pull up a chair and be ready to be amazed by the magic of Patrick Kun!
With this downloadable file you can keep and watch again and again.
You will see:
PK-Touch On The Classics:
- Inflict: (Sandwich Plot) - A VISUAL color changing sandwich routine than can be done with many different presentations.
- PK Collectors: (Collectors Plot) - A selected card is found in between four of a kind within a split second!
- DIY Aces: (Gambling Plot) - A simplified version on the Spectator Cuts the Aces plot. Very straight forward and EASY TO DO!
- VOW: (Anniversary Waltz Plot/Basic Version) - A Basic version of the Anniversary Waltz plot. Very simple and direct! Jaws drop for Patrick's version!
- Vector: (Impromptu Haunted Deck) - Very visual and by the way, it's totally impromptu!
- Mirror Force: Looking similar to the classic force, except the card is controlled to the bottom of the deck. This force can also conceal the back of a playing card.
- 4 Card Production: This is a flashy and flourish way of producing four of a kind!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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