The Other Brothers are back! Over the last few years their meteoric rise has catapulted them into being considered one of the best magic duos out there. Along with their unique humor and infectious energy, they've brought a whole cavalcade of new tricks with them. You'll want to add every one of these effects to your repertoire and start performing them immediately. With The Other Brothers, you get two magicians for the price of one! Come experience this two-of-a-kind lecture, right here, At The Table.
Phone a Friend 2.0: An improved version of the original where the spectator can randomly write down a name, choose any object, and then choose any card. They call a friend and the friend is able to tell them exactly what the spectator chose.
Very Fair: A very fair trick that could land the magician in the hospital if the spectator doesn't choose correctly. Don't worry, it's completely safe... or is it?
The Other Brothers Bill Switch: An amazing concept that can be applied to many different effects.
Outsiders: A unique deck that can be made at home but has endless possibilities.
Outsiders Prediction: A prediction unlike any other, where you get it wrong before getting it right.
Book Test: A very clever book test.
The Letter: A hilarious routine where the spectator picks a card and then reads a letter. The first letter of each sentence spells the card that they picked.
The Kings: Make 4 signed cards turn into Aces, while the signed cards end up in the magician's wallet.
Experiment #4: The magician turns away and covers their eyes and is able to tell where the spectator hides an object. You'll never guess the secret to this timeless effect.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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