An incredible collection of close-up card routines, smooth sleight of hand techniques and interviews direct from the mind of the UK's James Went.
James Went is best known as one of the stars of the Bafta award winning BBC TV magic show "Help, My Supply Teacher is Magic". Over three seasons, and thirty-nine episodes of the smash hit show, James demonstrated his relaxed, personable and engaging performance style. He is also a sought after consultant, having worked on the Discovery Channel show "Breaking Magic" with Wayne Houchin, BBC's "Killer Magic", and numerous major national theater productions.
Meditations, his first major release, extends to over THREE hours of material, and features ten of James' absolute favorite card routines, in depth tutorials on twelve indispensable sleight of hand techniques and fascinating interviews.
Learn just why so many professional magicians rate James so highly. Add his beautiful card work to your own repertoire and get a true insight into what it's like to work in TV magic in the modern era!
"One of the UK's best kept secrets is not going to be a secret anymore!"
- Dave Forrest
"Having witnessed these routines first hand I know just how powerful and practical this material is. Incredible thinking, and I for one can't wait to learn more!"
- Michael Murray
"I LOVE James' magic! It is elegant, engaging and incredibly fooling. James makes knuckle busting sleights look effortless and effortless self-workers look like miracles."
- Roddy McGhie
"Killer magic by a true professional."
- Andi Gladwin
"A clever and great card magician."
- Anthony Owen
"From the first moment I met James I was blown away by his thinking & creativity. His card magic is excellent and you should therefore, buy this!"
- Andy Nyman
- Inevitable
- Roy's Sandwich
- For Krenzel
- Conditional Triumph
- SandIwich Thing
- 4 of A Kind Production I
- 4 of A Kind Production II
- T.I.T Peek
- T.I.T.T.I.E.S Peek
- Top Card Production
- Jack's Ginger Snap
- Poker Con
- Selected Daley
- Broken Triumph
- Collectors
- Searchers
- Spread Peek
- Relaxed Pass
- Thoughts on Controls I
- Thoughts on Controls II
- Spread Pass
- Spread Half Pass
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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