On this volume, Jeff Sheridan shares some amazing effects suitable for parlor and platform.
This is innovative, cutting-edge magic that will excite even the most jaded audiences.
Cheek To Cheek - A packet of cards is repeatedly mixed up in face-up/face-down fashion yet rights itself - and the fact that it's repeated over and over again is a guaranteed fooler!
Dream Autograph - A selected, signed card turns out to not only match the performer's prediction - which has a different back color and is signed by the performer on the back - but is found to actually be the same card!
Thimbles - A cute manipulative interlude that can stand alone or be used to supplement a thimble routine you already perform.
Pipe Production - A full-sized tobacco pipe is produced from a silk, vanished into thin air and then reproduced under the fairest of circumstances.
Vanishing and Appearing Ladies Fan - Watch closely or you'll miss it! A fan is shown and opened. The performer closes it and it vanishes
instantly. Just as suddenly, it's back again!
Silk Through Silk - Two silks are shown. One is formed into a bag and the other is placed inside and then visibly pulled through the bottom of the bag. After the penetration, the other silk is shown to be completely solid.
Torn And Restored Card - A selected card is torn into four pieces, which are then inserted into the deck. With no false moves, the deck is ribbon spread to show the card face up in the middle - and completely restored!
Triple Prediction - An impromptu version of a classic in mentalism. The performer correctly predicts the thoughts of three random spectators.
Hummer Prediction - The performer accurately discerns the whereabouts of three objects placed under wooden plaques.
Wrigley Prediction - A new use for Mental Epic as the performer correctly predicts the spectator's preference in the ordering of three objects.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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