This download features tricks that Stephen teaches over a course of lessons, and are often used as a showcase piece in a talent show at the end of the course. They are all simple to master and great for any beginner in magic.
Guess Who
Characters are eliminated until your left with one, that matches your prediction.
Ten Card List
Using the card in the data folder, you can read a persons mind
Vanishing Me
Using the template found in the data folder, make a person vanish.
Grid Prediction
A random number is calculated which matches your prediction.
Unburstable Balloon
A needle is pushed into a balloon, but wont pop until you want it to.
Broken Skewer
A skewer is broken inside a towel, yet magically restores.
Key to the Ring
A key is hidden amongst others, yet you can find it through touch alone.
Light Heavy Boxes
Somehow lifting one box is heavier than lifting three.
Five Away Cards
A simple card trick where you find the chosen card, with multiple stages.
Spelling Bee
You are able to find all eight cards by simply spelling them out.
Coin Thru Hanky
A coin magically passes through a handkerchief.
Candy Sticks
You can make eight candy stick boxes balance on top of each other.
Pencil Thru Handkerchief
A pencil is poked through a handkerchief, yet leaves it unharmed.
Travelling Cash
Money moves from one pile to another pile invisibly through the air!
Out to Lunch
The stickman drawn on a signed business card mysteriously vanishes.
Hanky Thru Arm
A hanky is tied around the spectator's hand, yet it passes straight through.
Safety Pin Thru Hanky
A pin is pushed and torn through a hanky, yet it is left unharmed.
Ralphs Trick
A picture vanishes from three cards and appears on the spectators card.
Rising Ring on Band
A ring rises upwards along an elastic band.
Banana Split
Using your telekinesis chop, you slice a banana in pieces, while still in the skin.
Magic Envelope
A card s torn to pieces, placed into the envelope, then magically restores.
Vanishing Coin
A coin is counted, seen and heard going into the hand, yet it has vanished.
Business Card Printer
Two cards are shown blank on both sides, then become printed.
Rope Thru Body
You are able to make a rope pass through the spectator's body.
Ten Card Poker
A simple game of poker is played, but you somehow win every time.
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Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
Gold Dredge Way 11500
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
verantwortliche Person:
Its Magic Zaubershop
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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