JAWDROPPING card magic with the barest minimum of sleight of hand!
Miracles without Moves features seven jawdroppingly incredible slices of card magic that require the barest minimum of sleight of hand.
Eschewing technical knucklebusting moves for ingenious trickery, routining and plain old sneaky clever thinking Ryan Schlutz unleashes tricks that will utterly floor your audience yet are simple and fun to perform.
And these are not your run of the mill sleight-lite routines. No painful counting sequences, yawn inducing spelling or hard-to-master linguistic gymnastics. These are multi layered, supremely FOOLING smashers.
"These effects not only fooled me but totally inspired me with their deceptive creativity. Unreservedly recommended.
- Jamie Badman
"Ryan has great instinct for creating fooling magic with devious simplicity. These effects are easy to perform and hard to resist."
- John Guastaferro
"Creating ONE trick that smashes an audience's mind without resorting to sleights is a challenge. How the hell Ryan Schlutz came up with SEVEN is totally beyond me. I had no idea how he did ANY of it!!!"
- Cameron Francis
"Want your arse fooled off? Look no further. Schlutz is definitely your man!"
- Dave Forrest
"The last time I was this fooled by card magic, I was 10. Ryan made me feel like a child again."
- James Went
"On this download you will see Ryan demonstrate powerful working material that is seriously fooling. Great construction and use of subtlety rather than heavy sleights gives you a powerful collection of material to add to your repertoire."
- John Carey
"Ryan fooled me time and time again with the material from this download. The fact that most of it is almost self working is astonishing! This is surely set to become a modern classic!"
- Iain Moran
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Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
Gold Dredge Way 11500
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
verantwortliche Person:
Its Magic Zaubershop
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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