Publicity is the lifeblood of any magician. No matter how skilled you are or how great your act is, unless people know about you, then there are no bookings. The theater remains empty. Publicity equals bookings and attendance for your public shows. It doesn't get any simpler than that.
Devin Knight (aka Jason Michaels) is a master of publicity. Thousands of stories about him have appeared in the media. The Associated Press even picked up some of his stories and spread them to thousands of newspapers worldwide.
Most magicians are aware of doing blindfolded drives and headline predictions, but this ebook goes far beyond that. Devin shows you novel ideas for getting your name in the media, without having to risk your life by doing death-defying feats.
He even shows you how to get valuable and priceless publicity by performing at the White House. Yes, the White House does on certain occasions use magicians, balloon twisters and jugglers. The complete details on how this is done, allowing you the chance to get this prestigious publicity and add your performance at the White House to your magic resume is in this ebook!
He teaches you a little-known publicity technique that is used by both Las Vegas and Broadway shows. He shows you how you can use this idea for your local fund-raising shows.
Many years ago Devin Knight hired a professional ad agency, at a cost of several hundred dollars to come up with an effective radio spot. This spot proved to be the most effective radio spot for his magic show that he ever ran. It packed the theaters. The script for this ad is included in this ebook and buyers are given permission to use this ad in their advertising and publicity campaigns. This ad alone is worth the price of the ebook if you use it!
There is something for everyone in the book. Publicity ideas that local birthday party magicians can use and ideas that touring shows can use. Included are ideas from Jason Michaels, Donn Davison, Robert Nelson and Tommy Windsor. Some ideas will sound brilliant to you, while others may sound a little corny. The bottom line is that these are PROVEN ideas that work and will get your name in the media.
Way underpriced for this amount of information!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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