This is the 6th volume of Peter Turner's Mentalism Masterclass. This volume is about numbers.
This is the only volume where Peter talks about his feelings and thoughts during the creation procedure so you have a chance to step into some moments of Peter's everyday life.
As always Peter's teachings are very enjoyable to read and very easy to understand.
Effects included:
Serial Killer: This is a prediction effect with a very cool story around it. The spectators make all the choices and they can change their mind as many times as they wish. This effect is very clean, it packs small and plays huge!
Cypher: In this effect the performer asks one spectator to think of his pin code and another spectator to think of a name. Both the pin code and the name are revealed in a unique way!
Life Equation: This effect can be done over the phone anytime. The spectator is invited to create a special number that uses important numbers from his life. He has a free selection that makes a total. The performer is able to reveal that number over the phone.
Fate-Can: This effect is a completely clean HANDS OFF ACAAN with a kicker ending that is just genius!
Data Spaced: In this volume, one of the contributors is the one and only Paul Brook. Data Spaced is an unbelievable 3 phase mind reading routine with a personal touch that the participant will never forget.
Numbers Up: This is a contribution by Ben Cardall. Numbers Up is a demonstration of insane memory skills.
61 pages, instant download
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
Gold Dredge Way 11500
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
verantwortliche Person:
Its Magic Zaubershop
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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