"I've worked a lot on coin bends over theyears, but never have I seen a handling in the spectator's hands that's asjustified as Crook - Simple, quick and could be very powerful in the righthands!" - Dee Christopher
Magic shouldn't feel like a dream. When created, practiced, and performed correctly, magic is real life. Our craziest thoughts made commonplace by nothing more than sleight of hand and cleverly gimmicked everyday objects. When we take that magic out into the world and share it with others, it becomes Street Art.
Bobby McMahan develops simple, straightforward magic out of necessity. He knows no other way and has no other opportunity. He finds the magic dormant in ordinary objects, and releases it. Practical. Efficient. Street Art.
In his first release, this feature-length download, Bobby McMahan vanishes a ring that suddenly reappears on his belt loop, in a clear Tic Tac container, or bound on a wallet chain. He effortlessly bends a coin at the spectator's fingertips. He removes the plastic ring from a bottle and sticks it right through the bottom, impromptu. He magically links the corner of a spectator's card to a safety pin, which ends up stuck in his own arm and must be yanked out of his skin!
- Magic you can do... anywhere!
- Magic you want to do... everywhere!
- The perfect tool to build your confidence!
- Extraordinary magic with ordinary objects!
Bobby McMahan's refined sleight of hand looks silky-smooth to those in know and flies right by laymen. His magic has a guilt-free mindset built into each move. When you see it, you think, "I can do that. I would do that. I will do that," and the next thing you know, his whole Download is in your repertoire.
Street Art by Bobby McMahan is a feature length dowload with six tricks, easy to perform. Shot in the real world, with real people. Some of the routines require additional props and preparation, but all are locally sourced and convenient. If magic is your masterpiece, add a little Street Art!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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