Fielding West is not only a magician's magician, but he possesses that very rare and impeccable sense of comedic timing that has landed him the opening spot for some of the biggest names in show business. A winner in the prestigious Desert Magic Seminar's Comedy Magic competition, Fielding has opened the show for such A-list celebrities as Liza Minelli, Glen Campbell and dozens more. His numerous network television appearances include spots on A&E's An Evening at the Improv, Caroline's Comedy Hour, and NBC's The World's Greatest Magic and World's Wildest Magic specials. Fielding is also in demand as a writer, magic consultant and technical director and has worked with Lance Burton, Siegfried & Roy and many others. Fielding West continues to headline in major resort destinations all over the world and for the first time, he shares the secrets of his tremendous success.
Disc 1 - The Show
Watch Fielding West in his natural environment, doing his complete 1-hour show for an enthusiastic holiday crowd at Harvey's Casino in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Four cameras were there to catch every bit of the hilarity. Then, in a candid interview
that you'll have to see to believe (and that's all we're saying!), Fielding offers some revelatory perspectives about his career and magic in general. Combine all of that with a 16-minute slide show, narrated by Fielding himself, in which he takes you through all the high points and milestones of his career and you have, perhaps, the most candid and revealing look into the life and work of a successful professional magician ever caught on tape.
Disc 2 - The Secrets
Here they are-the innovative and original methods to Fielding West's magic. These secrets have been held very tightly for decades and many are being revealed here for the first time. You'll be amazed right away by the cleverness of the thinking and then overwhelmed by the thoroughness with which Fielding has worked out every moment of each trick. This is the professional-caliber material that Fielding West has used to make his mark in magic history and for the first time, he explains the "how's" and the "why's" with absolutely nothing held back!
The One Hour Act Includes:
- Bob The Bird Routine
- Appearing Cane
- Rabbit from Hat Gag (performance only)
- Torn & Restored Newspaper
- Temple of Benares (performance only)
- Hairspray Gag
- Balloon Swallowing
- Cigarette Manipulation
- Fire Eating (performance only)
- 20 to 2 Tens
- Bill to Orange
- Sawing a Lady in Half (performance only)
- Levitation (performance only)
- Coke Bottle Vanish/Glass of Water Production
- Water in the News
- Guillotine (performance only)
- Color-Changing Silks
- Tiger Production
- Reverse Balloon Swallowing
- Dove Bullet Catch (performance only)
Bonus Features (Disc 1)
(Four Additional Effects with Explanations)
- Ancient Orb of Rubber Death (Needle Through Balloon)
- Psychic Surgery
- Coin Vanish
- Ring Vanish
- 30-minute Interview with Fielding West
- 16-minute Retrospective Slide Show narrated by Fielding
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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