In the guise of Tizzy the Clown, Jonathan Royle's Father has traveled the world and is highly regarded in the circus world.
During his career, he has appeared at Manchester's world famous Belle Vue Circus for several seasons, Bouglione Cirque d'hiver, and he has even performed at the world famous Blackpool Tower Circus.
At the age of 3 and a bit, back in 1978, Royle started performing with his dad under the name, Flap the Clown -- together they were "Tizzy and Flap." They performed regularly on Gandey's Circus, Sir Robert Fossett's Circus, and also in their own Circus Showtime and Circus Funtime Productions.
They even appeared on television together back in 1983, and that clip is included for you to see, along with archive footage from 1987 and 2002.
Now within this large format (A4) Photo illustrated publication of some 43 information packed pages, Royle lifts the lid on the art of circus clowning.
Included are links to over 30 video clips that, in total, give you well over 3 hours of live performance footage of various clown skits, gags, and sketches. These include clips of both Tizzy and Flap in action before audiences.
You will also learn the secrets of 26 different clown gags, skits and sketches covering material suitable for solo clowns, and also double acts and beyond.
You'll discover the top six clown books to read after this one and, of course, will also find out how to do pratfalls (falling over without hurting yourself) and also how to take the nap (apparently being hit by another clown) amongst other useful tricks of the trade.
This publication will also interest all circus fans, as it includes links to view Tizzy the Clown's online scrapbooks -- these contain a host of circus memorabilia and history that are a sheer delight.
These are the exact clown gags, skits, and sketches that Tizzy and Flap have performed, both together and on their own, for many decades. They've been around the world drawing huge laughter and applause from audiences along the way.
We know you'll enjoy this book!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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