Del-Ardo was the stage name of the late and great W. G. Magnuson who in the 1920-1930's produced a number of manuscripts revealing the innermost secrets of the mediums, mentalists and mystics.
These manuscripts were often badly typewritten and are very hard to find in any readable or legible condition these days, which is a great shame as many of them were gold dust.
Now out of copyright and/or in the public domain. Jonathan Royle has spent time to track down almost readable copies and has then spent time decoding the unclear bits and then re-typing them so they are clear and readable, before often adding his own additional thoughts and ideas on the material presented.
Presented within this eBook are the following manuscripts:
* Yogi Spirit Levitation - Appear to levitate a man on a chair high into the air.
* Gemini Temple Card Test - A merely thought of card is revealed in a miraculous fashion.
* Del-Ardo Fortieth Century Mind Reading - As close to real mind reading as you will ever get - know which hand a person is thinking of or has a coin inside of each and every time!
* How to Float an Iron Bar - A heavy iron bar appears to float up high in the air despite two audience member volunteers trying to stop it from doing so.
* The Invisible Ray Tests - Ways to make people feel your aura and psychic power from across the room, they kind of feel you touch them without you touching them.
* Oriental Body Control - Discover ways to stop your pulse, raise your temperature and how to do the same to an audience member.
* J-Z Publicity Book Test - The spectator selects a book at random from a library or book store and then freely selects a page and yet you reveal what is written on that page.
* J-Z Platform Book Test - Royle used this method in his European television series "Life in the Bus Lane" and regards it as one of the most powerful book test methods there is!
These eight long out of print manuscripts are presented along with Royle's additional thoughts and comments in this large format (A4) PDF eBook of 26 pages.
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Its Magic Zaubershop
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