A collection of thoughts.
Belief is the new ebook on mentalism by Dee Christopher. In this ebook, not only will you find some versatile techniques and a devestating full close up mind reading act, you will also find several essays on creating the most powerful demonstrations possible and making the demonstrations that you already do ten times more powerful.
The ebook also contains the full explanation of 2009's The Isolation Experiment video. A demonstration Dee devised using a readily available but under used prop to create the illusion of bending a fork while it's completely isolated. That video got a thousand views in about a day and really put Dee on the map.
Full contents:
MAKE BELIEF FROM MAKE BELIEVE - Thoughts on how to create the most believable demonstrations possible.
SWIVEL BEND - A no switch, no gimmick coin bend.
HEATING COINS - Wouldn't it be amazing to bend a coin and drop it into a spectator's hand STILL WARM. With this simple gimmick in your pocket, it's now possible.
WHY I NEVER HAVE COINS SIGNED - Thoughts on why having coins signed before bending is a BAD thing.
DREAMCATCHER - A full multiphase mind reading routine that involves dreams and memories. Very direct, completely impromptu and phenomenally powerful.
THE PICK-UP BEND - A spoon or fork bending technique.
THE TIP SWITCH - A versatile technique for switching billets or predicting 50/50 outcomes with apparently empty hands!
THE ISOLATION EXPERIMENT - The FULL explanation of the 2009 Isolation Experiment video where I bent a fork under a glass bowl. How it worked, why it worked and my thinking behind it.
HOW TO LIE - A full system on how to lie to anyone about anything. It could be applicable for creating a solid back-story to your character, or getting away with eating a friends last Rolo.
"I've just read it and it's made me rethink my presentation of magic. A character is built and not chosen, and you can see that there are no digressions in YOUR brand. That's what I hate about most magicians, they are quiet and retreated and when they perform they switch on this fake character that people can see right through. It would do most people a favour to think about how they can improve on their delivery to make their magic more believable. Making 5 sponge balls appear won't work for the same person who'll show you a gambling demonstration.... but people still routine it together anyway. ps I remember the isolation experiment, it's one of the only effects to ever really fool me."
- Geraint Clarke
Pages: 35 - 6" x 9" - PDF Format
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
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Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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