Who says lightning doesn't strike twice? Presenting John Guastaferro's Second Storm, a follow-up to his popular Brainstorm released in 2003. Second Storm continues John's brand of close-up magic; that is, strong, creative, practical and entertaining-ideal for strolling and formal close-up venues. John has earned the praise of magicians worldwide for his original ideas and effects. As Jon Racherbaumer puts it, "Second Storm demonstrates John's unique ability to transform effects into 'extraordinary moments.'" Second Storm includes never-before-seen card and non-card effects, as well as new twists from John's 2005 lecture notes. Also on this series are John's exclusive Brainstorm Breaks, where he shares additional ideas designed to spur your creativity.
East Meets West - A half-dollar and Chinese coin repeatedly travel and change places in this multi-phase coin routine.
Optical Opener - The spectator finds the only printed card in a completely blank deck. But just like an optical illusion, things aren't always what they seem.
Here, There, Everywhere - The spectator's card is seen in several places at the same time, finally appearing in a mysterious location.
Collectors With A Twist - The spectator slowly cuts the four Aces into the deck. First they turn face-up, then they capture three selected cards. A great twist on a classic effect.
Constellation - The spectator marks dots on your business card, which VISUALLY reposition themselves to reveal a selected card. A wonderful close-up illusion.
The Masterpiece - The magician tells a story about four artists and a blank canvas in this imaginative packet effect, which utilizes Peter Eggink's "Ace Oddity" card.
Googly Eyes - The spectator finds her card by doing a Google search with the deck. A novel spelling effect with a surprise kicker.
Turning The Tables - The spectator plays the role of magician and finds the four Jacks without a clue how it was done! This novel presentation builds to a spectacular finish.
Ultimate Fate II - In this extension of Aldo Colombini's "Contact Colors," the spectator plays the lottery by placing her dollar in the deck. Her luck keeps on riding to a million-dollar ending!
BRAINSTORM BREAKS Bonus ideas and effects
Cookie's Fortune - Learn John's clever method for pre-loading a bill in a fortune cookie.
Matchbook Transpo - A quick in-the-hands transposition.
Fortune Flash - A clever way to turn flash paper into a logical and visually-interesting prop.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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